SeaDoo New claw style DESS keys the standard for all SeaDoo models from 2015 on
The SeaDoo DESS Key is the standard safety lanyard and security device that comes with a Seadoo jetski. DESS stands for ‘digital encoded security system’. The DESS Key contains a RF chip with a unique code that once paired with the ECU it has been programmed to, it will allow the ski to start. It also has a magnet built into the key that acts as the safety kill switch for the jetski. If a rider is thrown from a running jetski once the key is disconnected from the DESS post it will automatically shut off.
Only Keys that have been coded/programmed to the SeaDoo jetski ECU will allow it to start.
DESS keys are not only used on SeaDoo jetskis but are also utilised on other BRP products such as the Can-Am range and SkiDoo’s.
SeaDoo sparks use a non DESS Key. This has the same appearance as a DESS Key but does not have the RF chip inside, only the magnet to activate the kill switch. Any key or even a magnet on the post can active a SeaDoo Spark. You can add DESS to your SeaDoo spark if you wish but it requires a different harness and keys.
When Purchasing a new SeaDoo it would come standard with 2 DESS keys. A Normal key allowing full power operation of the jetski and a Learner key limiting the rpm or speed of the jetski for beginner riders.
New 2020 Seadoo watercraft will only come with 1 DESS key standard. What we believe is that BRP have analysed data feed from diagnostic software that is connected to your ski during a service and have seen that approximately 85% of learner keys are never used or only connected once in a Seadoo lifetime. Learners keys will still be able to be purchased from dealers and programmed to your ski same as before if required.
Drum style SeaDoo DESS Key was the standard from mid 90’s thru to 2015.
The launch of the SeaDoo Spark in 2014 saw the new claw style key introduced from BRP on Spark models and made them standard on all SeaDoo models from 2015 replacing the previous bucket style DESS Key that had been around since the mid 90’s.
Claw style SeaDoo DESS Key and ball DESS post introduced in 2014 on the SeaDoo Spark as a non DESS versions and all other SeaDoo models in 2015 with DESS.
The ECU allows a maximum of 8 different keys to be programmed to it in any speed mode (normal, Learner or Rental)
There is no limit to how many watercraft a DESS key can be programmed too.
You cannot just buy a DESS key and have it work on your jetski without it being programmed.
Programming requires you to have your jetski and new key together for it to be programmed with a diagnostic computer.
DESS can be deactivated on any 4 stroke, so any Seadoo key can start the jetski and still be used as a safety lanyard. (With DESS deactivated a magnet held up the the DESS post can start a seadoo watercraft) Deactivating DESS can be helpful for rental companies or emergency services with multiple jetskis.
8 spots available for DESS Key programming and DESS deactivation selection on BUDS Software.
The DESS post is just the connection between the ECU and the key and has no influence on the coding or security.
Up to 8 individual keys can be programmed to one jetski.
All keys are all the same (if same shape drum or claw) just float colours are different. Any colour key can be programmed to be Normal, learning or rental key.
The Learning and Rental key have a specific rpm limit on early 4 stroke models with a throttle cable and a speed limit on newer models with gps and electronic throttle body. Speeds can be set on your dash on the jetski but you need the normal key to be plugged in. Instructions on how to do this can be found in your owners manual.
Learning Key
Green Drum style SeaDoo Learner DESS key pre 2014. Earlier model learner DESS keys came with a white float.
Learning Key
4-tec models with a throttle cable
5500+/- Rpm limit
Electronic throttle models
Sport mode not available option
5 speed settings
L key Setting 1 26mph (42kph)
Setting 2 29mph (47kph)
Setting 3 31mph (50kph)
Setting 4 34mph (55kph)
Setting 5 36mph (58kph)
Rental key
Orange Drum style SeaDoo Rental DESS key pre 2014.
Rental key
4-tec models with a throttle cable
6500+/- Rpm limit
Electronic Throttle models
Sport mode not available option
5 speed settings
R key Setting 1 32mph (51kph)
Setting 2 36mph (58kph)
Setting 3 39mph (63kph)
Setting 4 43mph (69kph)
Setting 5 46mph (74kph)
Jetski servicing and repairs are bound to happen, but the quicker they can get fixed, the faster you can get on the water! If you have any questions about when and how to get your Jetski serviced or repaired be sure to contact us at Our fully equipped workshop on the Gold Coast is more than capable to handle any repair you need.